Part 129: 9/22/09
9/22/09Got some bad news as I woke up today.

I am calling to inform you that another human has strayed into Tartarus.
2 this time, I believe. Please dont delay in carrying out your rescue.
Goodbye, now.
Shinjiro seems pretty anxious for this all to be over.

The news was already talking about the missing people.

Newscaster: Everyone with laundry out on the line can rest assured that itll be dry by afternoon.
And now, a missing persons report.
Aki Kurobe, a junior at Gekkoukan High School, and Yasunobu Shimozono (44), an office worker in Minato-ku
have gone missing within a short time span between them.
Police are searching for clues that may lead them to understand what happened to them.
> Theres a possibility that they may have wandered into Tartarus
> You must go rescue them
I was down by the shrine, its funny. I was thinking about how if we had school this would be a cooking club day.

Feinnes Notes: Relationship Fortunes
So, I dont know if Ive talked about the fortune draw in this game? So, it works a bit differently than it did in the original game. Now you pay 100 yen and effectively Spend Time with any of your Social Links, after which you get a fortune just like the old box. Youll either gain or rarely lose some money, and depending on the result your health may change. Since it takes time, youll do it pretty rarely compared to original P3. Its pretty helpful, though. They reference Reversing here but I think thats a legacy of FES because Im not sure how many links in this path even can Reverse.
Junpeis pretty silly, even if this would be nice.

Wouldnt that be awesome!?

This full moon will be a lot better I think, since weve got a leg up on Strega for once.

Its hard to interfere if you dont know where to go.

The other two seem dangerous
Of course, the Shadows will probably make up for it.

We should train in Tartarus as much as we can.
Only three to go

But, we wont be the same as we were before.
Thanks to all the experiences we gained fighting together, well all live richer, fuller lives.
Anyway we headed to Tartarus, what with having two new people to rescue. Got some good training in too.

It restores your health a little when you advance to the next floor.
Anyway, we found the first person on the way to where Fuuka sensed a Guardian.

Id also managed to find some of the stuff Elizabeth wanted out of this hellhole.

But, Im surprised that Shadows would be so vain
Please accept your reward.
> Obtained Quick Pumps.
No idea what she does with all this stuff.

Not many things are both beautiful and functional, as these are.
About the reward I have prepared something different for you this time.
A simple, yet sturdy metal frame, with small lettering on the placard
I believe its called a Bus Stop Sign.
Ive heard that in your world, they can be found all over the place.
Id like to see some of these signs in their natural environment someday
Please accept your reward.
> Obtained Bus Stop Sign.
These Guardians are getting worse and worse, I must say.
Video- Sleeping Table

Boss Battle: Sleeping Table
This guy is pretty nasty, he is immune to physical attacks and blasts away with powerful magic. Makarakarn/Magic Mirrors are of course useful, as are debuffs on him to reduce the otherwise massive damage hell do to you. There might be some higher strategy than dont bring the party I brought that can barely hurt him but I dont remember it.
Anyway we prevailed and managed to find the second lost person.

Not long after we found another dead end.

I also found another one of those documents.

These things always cut off in annoying places.

Little by little, youre uncovering hidden truths that most humans will never be aware of
What does the world look like from your eyes?
Im sure you see it differently than before.
Thats the power of knowledge.
Please accept your reward.
> Obtained Bead x 5.
I suppose the world does look different than it did before this all started. The power of knowledge is that I know all sorts of wonderful things about it that I didnt before, but that power has a price. To know all the horrible things as well